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Education at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 provides a gateway for continued learning in the liberal arts tradition. In 2003, the College established nine liberal education goals for its students, 包括课程和课外经历. 这个文档, published in the 教师 Handbook and in the first section of the Academic Catalog along with the college mission statement, 这是在为一生的学习做准备, 成功的艾格尼丝·斯科特学生应该:

  1. 批判性的思考. 这个学生评价别人论点的准确性, 重要性与公平性, 并得出独立的结论.
  2. 通过写作和口语进行有效的沟通. 这个学生使用语言清晰而有说服力.
  3. 对学习和解决问题进行系统的探究. The students takes an intentional and systematic approach to research, 收集资料, 使观察, 进行实验, and analyzing data while recognizing the factors that influence the final results.
  4. 做一个负责任的公民. The student speaks to the connections between global and local events and engages in constructive dialogue about the different kinds of culture, 塑造当今世界的知识和信仰体系.
  5. 发展或欣赏创造性的表达. The student expresses herself through at least one artistic medium or understands and interprets the creative expressions of others.
  6. 欣赏并回应他人的成就. The student demonstrates an understanding of human achievements in the world of ideas and culture and can engage and critique those achievements as she develops her own intellect.
  7. Integrate knowledge and perspectives from a broad range of disciplines. The student acquires and can 分析 and synthesize ideas and information from different fields and disciplines.
  8. 建立一套价值观. 通过不断的反思和检查, the student develops socially responsible values consonant with an honorable life.
  9. 追求人的全面发展. The student recognizes that her education does not occur solely in the classroom. It takes place in a larger community and includes a variety of dimensions: physical, 情感, 文化, 和精神.

The general education curriculum of the college follows from these goals, comprising courses that ensure the student's exposure to a breadth of knowledge that complements the depth of knowledge she pursues in her major field of study.

Within a framework that promotes intellectual independence and informed choice, 每个学生必须满足三套标准:

  1. The specific standards assist her in developing specific skills and competencies for further personal and academic growth.
  2. The 分配 standards orient her to the methods and subject matter of a range of liberal arts disciplines.
  3. The social and 文化 analysis standard allows her to contemplate issues of difference, 边缘化和社会正义.

教师们提出了以下通识教育的基本原理, 被纳入学术目录;

The general education program at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 consists of specific, 分配, and social and 文化 analysis standards that reflect our mission and values as a community of higher learning for women. The specific standards aim to help students succeed in their studies and become life-long learners, 提高他们的批判性思维和沟通能力, 熟练掌握一门外语, and appreciate the importance of physical activity for a flourishing life.

The 分配 standards introduce students to varied ways of thinking and problem solving from multiple disciplinary perspectives. The social and 文化 analysis standard ensures that all students include in their academic program a course that reflects the college’s appreciation of diverse cultures and commitment to justice. In selecting from a variety of courses that satisfy these 分配 standards, students take an active role in the educational process and are encouraged to think critically about their educational choices and who they will become.

在通识教育课程中, students craft or 分析 creative expressions of our shared humanity; examine the social, 政治, 历史, 宗教, 文化, scientific and philosophical foundations of the world in which we live; practice systematic observation, 定量描述, and analysis of natural phenomena; articulate problems, and propose imaginative solutions; interpret, 分析, and explain human behavior and social structures; and learn to express their convictions clearly and persuasively while respecting differing opinions.

General education at Agnes Scott thus supports each student’s progress in self-knowledge and embodies the mission of the College to educate women to think deeply, 体面的生活, 并参与他们那个时代的智力和社会挑战.

In keeping with the overall liberal education goals of the college the general education curriculum is designed to help students:

  • 批判性的思考.
  • 通过写作和口语进行有效的沟通.
  • 在学习和解决问题中运用系统的探究.
  • 练习或解释创造性的表达.
  • 培养定量和信息素养.
  • 体验体育活动的有益效果.

学术评估委员会, 与正规博彩十大网站排名的教员合作, 监督通识教育课程的评估. Student learning is assessed using a variety of direct and indirect measures, extending from evaluation of coursework in general education courses to national surveys.

教师评估学生的作业(论文), 小测验, 考试, presentations) in relation to the general education goals appropriate to their courses; in addition, specific departments use national tests or senior seminar evaluations to assess the extent to which students have mastered discipline-specific knowledge, which is related to and thus also assesses general education competencies.

All 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 seniors take one of three national surveys the spring of their senior year (the National Survey of Student Engagement, 高等教育研究院高级调查, or the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium Survey) which helps gauge the extent to which students have attained the general education learning objectives summarized above.

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